Good morning Xiamen! Always on the way Always 100% passion Always with your team Always be brave Always changing the world We are strong We are runners 曾几何时,我只是个默默无闻的大男孩;曾几何时,我只是在一线城市打拼的普通上班族,曾几何时......阅读全文
Has everybody known “What’s marathon?” contents :full marathon(42.195KM ) ,half marathon(21.95KM) and mini marathon. Well, the men's world record is 2:02:57 ,and the women's world record: 2......阅读全文
每年四月的某周日,上海东方体育馆门口,都有那么一群热爱奔跑的人,他们来自全国各地,为了一睹浦东沿江的风景和感受另一种“上马温度”,我也是其中一员,上海半马走过第五年,承载着更多人踏上马拉松之路的第一次尝试。 说起爱燃烧,每年的亮眼橙色展位,进场后一目了然,我都会提前赶到参观,已经不记得有多少次国内大大小小的展会遇到爱燃烧。作为爱燃烧的会员,去年的上马展会活动,从南方带了一大包衣服通过爱燃烧捐......阅读全文
2019-03-23 10:27
Good morning Xiamen! Always on the way Always 100% passion Always with your team Always be brave Always changing the world We are strong We are runners 曾几何时,我只是个默默无闻的大男孩;曾几何时,我只是在一线城市打拼的普通上班族,曾几何时......阅读全文
2019-01-17 19:14
Has everybody known “What’s marathon?” contents :full marathon(42.195KM ) ,half marathon(21.95KM) and mini marathon. Well, the men's world record is 2:02:57 ,and the women's world record: 2......阅读全文
2016-07-18 12:32