赛事名称:2018 UTSS神农架森林国际越野跑
Race:Ultra Trail Shennongjia Salt Road Challenge——Wonderland&Footprints
Host Unit:Shennongjia forest region culture, sports, press and publication, radio and Television Burean
Organizer:Goldjoy International Ltd.
Operation by:Zongguanxian Sport Culture
报到时间:2018年10月18日-19日 (周四、周五)
Registration Date: 18/10/2018(Thursday),19/10/2018(Friday)
比赛时间:2018年10月20日 (周六)
Race Date:20/10/2018(Saturday)
Location:The Gallery Valley of the Hongping Town, Shennongjia forest region, Hubei
Maximum Number of Entrants: 1,000
Shennongjia - The top 10 of the world's most mysterious places
Shennongjia is located in Hubei, China, the border area of Sichuan Province & Hubei Province between the Yangtze River and Hanshui River. It’s the only administrative region in China that named after forest area.是世界中纬度地区唯一一块保存完好的绿色宝地,具有比其它温带森林生态系统更为丰富的、具有全球意义的生物多样性。因此被赞誉为“物种基因库”、“动植物王国”。
Shennongjia is the only well preserved green treasure in the middle latitudes of the world.
It has richer and more global biodiversity than other temperate forest ecosystems.
So that Shennongjia is well known as “the gene pool of species”, also as “the paradise of animals and plants”.
神农架在亿万年前是片汪洋大海,因喜玛拉雅造山运动使其变成了高山,成为“华中屋脊”,林区内海拔超过3000米的高山就有六座, 平均海拔达到1700米,可谓“抬头见高山,地无三尺平“。
Millions of years ago, Shennongjia was an ocean. Due to the Himalayan orogeny, it turned into a high mountain, became Ridge Of Central China.
There are 6 mountains over 3000 meters above altitude in this Forest District andIt has an average elevation of 1700 metres.
神农架这个名字的意思是“神农的梯子”。它来源于Yan Emperor(传说中的皇帝和古代中华民族的祖先,神农是他的姓),他到山里去寻找草药来治疗当地居民的疾病。
The name of Shennongjia means "Shennong's ladder". It comes from the legend of Yan Emperor (The emperor and the ancient ancestor of the Chinese nation in legend who is named Shennong, he visited the mountains in search of herbs to cure illness for local residents.
However in the middle of Qing dynasty, the salt traders made their business through the deserted road to earn a living, which had great influence on local culture, gradually being a Southern Silk Road between east Sichuang and west Hubei.
The emergence of “wild men”is another reason why that Shennongjia is so famous worldwide. Throughout history there has been found plenty of evidence and stories about “wild men”, Even though it’s hard to distinguish truth , people from different countries were always attracted to unveil the mysteries.
October 20, it’s the time for you to explore and discover the wonderland!
赛事组别及赛道数据 Race Information
Track:95% Non paved ,5% pavement
2% in canyon,10% in jungle,5% in weeds,5% on alpine meadow,
20% tractor road,53% dirt track.
【出发时间 Starting Time】 Oct 20th,05:00
【关门时间Cut-off Time 】 Oct 20th,23:00
【累计爬升 Cumul Ascent 】4230m
HongPing Town - Gallery Valley - Tianmen Hill - TaPing Village - Zizhu River Valley - Salt Road - Plate Groove - Saddle River - GaoPing Village - Spring Bay - Baicao Chong - Rhino Valley - Gallery Valley - HongPing Town

赛事站点分段数据及关门时间Section Data & Cut-off Time

【报名资格】Registration Qualification
Participant must be born before November, 1999 (>20-year-old) and after October, 1958 (< 60-year-old). ( Special case may be decided by the Committee )
All participants must not have the disease unsuitable for endurance exercise or activities at high altitude. Medical report of recent half year issued by upper second-class hospital or formal physical examination organization is required.
•Result certificate of formal trail race (50km and above)(Ascent 2000m+) in 2017.
Competitors must have comprehensive experience of mountain action at high altitude (self management, judgement and decision).
The requirement is appropriate for both Solo and Team groups.
【特殊情况报名】Registration for exceptional case
The committee will evaluate the participants by the following 3 indicators:
•能够证明自主性的高海拔户外运动的经历和能力 proof to show the experience and ability of outdoor activities at high altitude.
•长距离越野跑证书 The certificate of long distance trail race
•全程马拉松成绩 The grade of Whole Marathon
The application will be arranged and completed by the committee in 7 working days after receiving all the required documents.

【报名费包含】The fee including

关于名额转让 About Quota Transfer本赛事不接受任何形式的名额转让,如发现替跑,将取消转让和被转让者参赛资格。因替跑产生的后果自负。组委会保留追究转让者和被转让者法律责任的权利。
Once registered, bib number is neither allowed to transfer nor to sell. The grade will be canceled if illegal replacement for the race was found. All participants shall be responsible for themselves and the committee reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.
关于退赛 About Cancellation
2018.04.01前申请退赛的选手,退还90%的报名费,2018.08.10前退赛的选手退还60%的报名费,超过2018.08.10 24:00后将不在接受任何形式的退赛及退费。
90% registration fee will be returned if apply for cancellation before April 1, 2018 and 60% before August 10. Please note that there will be no refund after 24:00, August 10, 2018.
All participants should finish the race by self. Any use of transport and medical oxygen will be considered as a violation and the grade would be canceled. The big race bib must be worn on the chest and must be permanently and fully visible throughout the entire race. The small one is the pass to areas for depositing or recuperating your spares bags.
Team participants need to arrive at the same time, and the final result is counted by the later one.
Participants should clock on for timekeeper at first and then enjoy the supporting service.
The cut-off time of every check point is subject to the check out moment. Participants should properly arrange their supply and break time.
Please fill the form of withdraw application and submit it to the referee at the nearest check point if you can not continue the race. Kindly return to the main centre under the guide of our staff.
If participants are not arriving at the Finish in schedule time and route , they will be considered as failure to get the grade. Please fill the form of withdraw application and submit it to the referee at the next check point and kindly return to the main centre under the guide of our staff.
During the competition, all the mandatory equipment required by the organizing committee must be carried out by the contestants. Our staff will check by random at each check point. The participant will be asked to stop due to the lack of obligatory equipment.
The leader of each check point has part of management right for the race, include but not limited to stop the race for someone who breaking the rules.
A blood oxygen content test at some points will be offered throughout the course. Participants shall cooperate with our staff for relevant test.
If it appears that a runner is in difficulty to arrive the Finish in person, our staff will make an arrangement for safety return.
11、本次赛事积极响应并倡导“Leave No Trace”LNT无痕山野理念,敬请参赛选手不要随意丢弃垃圾。
This event will actively respond and advocate the concept of "Leave No Trace" LNT. No racers are allowed to throw away trash.
In the case of poor meteorological conditions and/or for reasons of safety ( important quantities of rain or snow at altitude, strong risk of storms, war…. ), the organization reserves the right to cancel the race, stop the event underway or to modify the route and regulation. For this reason, no refund of the registration fee will be made.
The right of interpretation lies with the Committee.

The final decision was made by the Committee accordingly.
*以上所有奖金皆为税前金额(Currency: RMB, pre tax)

领物凭证 Receiving Voucher
领物凭证 Receiving Voucher
限本人持报名所用证件如个人身份证、军官证或护照的原件(不接受代领);The competitor must hold the original certificate of registration, such as personal identity card, officer's certificate or passport.(Not accepted receive it by other people)一年内二级甲等以上医院体检证明或其他正规体检机构证明复印件。A copy of the certificate of physical examination or other formal physical examination certificate from Secondary care resource (or above) in a year.注意事项Matters Need Attention1. 参赛选手领物时需现场签署“比赛免责声明书”。
Every participant is required to sign the race declaration when picking up the race bag.
2. 现场检查参赛包内物品是否齐备,跟踪计时设备是否有效;
Have the race bag and the timing chip checked on spot.
3. 本次赛事参赛包不接受任何形式的代领;
Runners cannot ask mandatary to pick up the race bag for other people.
4. 高海拔山地越野跑是一项高强度长距离的户外运动,具有一定风险性,对参赛选手身体素质有较高的要求。因此,组委会要求所有选手报到时提供一年内二级甲等及以上医院或正规专业医疗机构体检证明复印件(包括但不限于:静态心率、心电图、血压)并无以下疾病和症状:
Ultra trail is a high strength, risk and competitive outdoor sport. All participants should have certain physical and mental conditions, and a copy medical report issued by upper second-class and above hospital or formal physical examination organization in 1 year is required. All participants under the following condition are not allowed in this event, including but not limit to:
(1)先天性心脏病和风湿性心脏病;Congenital heart disease & rheumatic heart disease
(2)哮喘及其他呼吸道疾病;Asthma & other respiratory diseases
(3)高血压和脑血管疾病;Hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases
(4)心肌炎和其它心脏病;Myocarditis and other heart diseases
(5)冠状动脉病和严重心律不齐;Coronary artery disease and severe arrhythmia
(6)血糖过高或过低的糖尿病;High blood sugar or low blood sugar
(7)孕妇;Ladies who are pregnant
(8)其他高海拔不适应症。Any symptom which is not suitable for activities at high altitude
Blood oxygen content and blood pressure test will be offered on site. Participants who are disqualified with the body check will not be allowed in this competition without any refund.
5. 参赛选手在领取赛事包时,需交纳计时手环押金100元、跟踪定位设备押金500元(人民币)。比赛结束后返还计时手环和跟踪定位设备,组委会将退还押金。如有遗失或损坏,相应物品押金不予退还。领取手环及跟踪定位设备时须注意检查设备的有效性,未检验者组委会默认设备正常。
Deposit of a bracelet (¥100 ) and a GPS device (¥500 ) is to be charged at the collection counter. The committee will return the payment only after that the device were confirmed working. Please note that you are responsible to have your device carefully checked on site.
(周一至周五 09:00-20:00)(Monday to Friday 09:00-20:00)
选手事务:Contestant affairs: 020-82038146 18922457037
商务合作:Business cooperation: 13423858038
赛事官方公众号:Official WeChat public number: utsschallenge
