
2017 杭州青少年越野赛 温馨提示 Pre - race tips

酸奶就要红枣味儿 酸奶就要红枣味儿


2017 杭州青少年越野赛 即将在7月16日上午7 : 00于杭州千禧度假酒店举行。以下温馨提示,请各位选手仔细阅读,并做好比赛的行程安排。预祝大家 2017 杭州青少年越野赛 顺利完赛!







2017年7月16日 ( 星期日 ) 上午7点在杭州千禧度假酒店举行


WE ARE YOUNG 9.6公里亲子跑,累计爬升424米,下降416米


*分8岁 - 13岁和14岁 - 18岁( 未满 )两个年龄段




- 输入报名时登记的家长的手机号码,绑定玩赛小助手查询家长及青少年的号码布、赛事手册、赛事路线、轨迹导航、酒店交通等信息。





7月15日周六 10:00-20:00




1.请于7月1日 - 7月15日之间,登录湖乱跑官方公众账号,点击“ 马上报名 ” - “ 报名查询 ”,输入证件号码查询参赛号码,并下载领物单;

2. 点击阅读原文,输入证件号码查询参赛号码,并下载领物单。




*考虑青少年参赛者及家长的身体健康及人生安全,赛事如遇暴雨或其他不可抗力原因,或将取消比赛;比赛取消通知将会提前通过湖乱跑官方公号、微博、邮件、短信等渠道发出;如赛事因不可抗力原因取消,当届报名选手可以七折报名自赛事当天起往后一年内(即 自2017年7月16日 - 2018年 7月16日 )的任意一场湖乱跑YOUNG ATHLETE赛事。



1. 组委会提供两大一小三张号码布。请选手将大号码布佩戴于胸前,另外确保用防水笔正确填写号码布背后的紧急联系信息。

2. 小号码布放置存包袋外侧透明口袋中用于存包。


1. 请将计时手环佩戴在青少年手腕上;

2. 所有选手在进入起跑区域前出示计时手环检录;在CP点出示计时手环打卡( 缺检录及任何打卡点成绩,将无比赛成绩 );在到达终点后,将手环主动归还;

3. 未归还的选手,请赛后联系组委会 021 - 65673828。

-存 / 取包

时间:存包 7月16日 6 : 20 - 6 : 50 / 取包截止比赛当天11 : 00




参赛运动员必须于7月16日上午6 : 50前到起点排队集结,7 : 00鸣枪起跑

- 前往起点 / 离开终点











1. 各年龄段男女前三名将获得相应奖品( 取枪声成绩,以青少年性别为准 );

2. 所有选手 : 规定时间内完赛者均发给完赛奖牌,成绩证书可在赛后3个工作日登录湖乱跑官方公号,点击“ 成绩证书 ”自助下载成绩证书。


1. 虚假年龄报名或报名后由其他人员代跑;
2. 运动员携带他人感应计时设备;
3. 起点活动中不按规定时间出发抢跑;
4. 关门时间到后不停止比赛或退出比赛后又插入赛道;
5. 没有沿规定路线跑完项目的全程,绕近道或乘交通工具途中插入;
6. 私自伪造号码布,多人交替替跑的;
7. 不服从赛事工作人员指挥,干扰赛事,聚众闹事的;
8. 携带宠物进入赛道;
9. 其他违反规则行为规定的。




1. 组委会购买的保险为人身意外伤害险。但由于自身疾病、身体原因所引起的不良后果,不属于意外伤害保险,例如,中暑、昏厥等情况不在组委会购买的人身意外伤害保险范围。因此,请大家审慎报名参赛;
2. 组委会在比赛期间提供免费现场急救性质的医务治疗,但在医院救治等发生的相关费用由参赛选手自理;
3. 参赛选手在比赛过程中因服用兴奋剂或其它违禁药品,造成人身伤害或死亡的,责任由参赛选手自负;
4. 为了保障参赛选手的生命安全,经组委会授权的赛事裁判和工作人员对明显不能继续进行比赛的参赛选手,有权终止其比赛。



如果选手不能参赛,但需要赛事邮寄参赛包(到付),请在赛事结束后两个星期内,发送邮件至 service@skyviewsport.com 联系组委会邮寄参赛包事宜。


2017 WE ARE YOUNG will be held at Millennium Resort Hangzhou at 7 : 00a.m. on July 16. Please read through the following pre - race tips carefully and make good arrangements for your travel. We wish you a safe race!

I. Basic Information


Shanghai Skyview Sport Co., Ltd.

-Co - operation

Millennium Resort Hangzhou

-Race Date and Location

7 a.m. Sunday, July 16, 2017 at Millennium Resort Hangzhou

- Event

WE ARE YOUNG 9.6km Family Run, with an aggregate elevation gain of 424m and an aggregate elevation loss of 416m.

The race entries are limited to 200 teams ( 400 people ).

* There are two age groups, the group of 8 - 13 and the one of 14 - 18 under.

- Race Course

-More information

Save image - WeChat scan open photo album

- Input the parent’s cell phone number used for registration to bind it with Race On. check information regarding bib number, race manual, race course,GPS, hotel reservation, transportations and soon.

II. Pick up of Race Packet

Location:Hotel lobby,Hangzhou Millenium Resort

Time:Saturday,15th July 10:00-20:00

Please bring:race packet pickup slips and original IDs.

*Only participants themselves can pick up their own race packets.

Download the race packet pickup slips:

1.Enter into Huluanpao official wechat account.Click on “ 马上报名 ” - “ 报名查询 ” and enter your ID card number to find your bib number and download your Race packet pickup slips between July 1 and July 15 .

2. Click on " Read more / 阅读原文 ” at the end of this article.Enter your ID card number to find your bib number and download your Race packet pickup slips .

III.Schedule on the race day:

6:20Drop package area open
6:40Racers go to start position
6:55Opening ceremony
7:00Race start
10:00Closing of Finish Line
11:00Drop package area close

*Cut-off time is set to ensure a safe race. Participants who are unable to complete the respective distances within the regulated cut - off time should stop racing immediately and back out from the course in case of any dangers. Participants who drop out of the race can take the first - aid vehicles provided by the committee to get to the finish location.

* Inconsideration of the health and safety of both teenager and adult participants, the race could be cancelled in case of storms or other force majeure. In that case, the notification of the race cancellation will be posted in advance in Huluanpao’s official Wechat account and Weibo and will also be sent through email and SMS. Participants of the cancelled race are eligible for a 30% discount on the entry fee if they register for any Huluanpao’s YOUNG ATHLETE race held within one year since the race day of the cancelled race ( July 16, 2017 - July 16,2018 )

IV. Preparation before the race

-BIB Number

1. The committee will provide participants with three bib numbers, two large and one small. Please correctly fill in the emergency contact information on the backside of the large bib number with waterproof marker and pin it onto the front side of your race T - shirt.

2. The small bib number should be inserted into the transparent pocket on the outside of the packet for deposit use.

-Timing bracelet

1. Please wear the timing bracelet on young athlete wrist.

2. Before entering the starting zone all runners are required to show their timing bracelets to check in. When arriving at the checkpoints, all runners are required to show their timing bracelets to check - in. ( Lack of a time check - in at the start point or at any check points will result in absence in timing. ) It’s required to give back the timing bracelets after the runners reach the finish line.

3. For those who don’t give back the timing bracelets in time, please call 021 - 65673828 to contact the race committee after the race.

-Bag Deposit and Bag Claim

Bag Deposit : July 16, 6:20 a.m. - 6:50 a.m.

Bag Claim : Till 11 a.m.on the race day

Location : Millennium Resort Hangzhou

Proof of bag deposit and claim : Please insert the small bib number into the transparent pocket of the race packet, with the race number facing outside.Bib number must be shown to the staff for bag claim.

-Gathering Time

All participants must arrive at the start area before 6 : 50 a.m.,July 16. The race will be started at7 : 00 a.m. with a gunshot.

- Travel to the start location / Travel from the finish location

Race will be started at Millennium Resort Hangzhou. The available options for transporting to and from the start / finish area include buses, taxis, Didi and so on.

Due to the limited parking space in Millennium Resort Hangzhou, the use of the hotel parking lot will be restricted to hotel guests only, including runners who lodge there. Runners who drive there will have to find parking lots out of the hotel by themselves.


-Regarding the course

The roads won’t be closed during the race.The traffic is relatively light and there aren’t many vehicles on the race course. However, please pay attention to your own safety anyway.


1. The race course will be marked with ribbons,flags and printed signs.

2. Volunteers will help runners on key junctions.

3. Ribbon as shown the following:


1. The top three teams in either age and gender group ( the group of 8 - 13 and the one of 14 - 18 under ) will be awarded( official time, ranked by the gender of the teenager member ).

2. Runners who finish the race within the time limit will receive a finisher’s medal. You can enter into Huluanpao official wechat account, click on " 成绩下载 " to download the certificate in three working days after the race.

-Illegal behavior

1.Age falsification or swapping bibs with other people after registration;

2.Wearing others’ timing bracelets;

3.Starting off ahead of the regulated start time;

4.Refusing to stop running after cut - off time or returning to the course after quitting the race;

5.Not following the regulated course to complete the whole race, taking short cuts or adopting any means of transportation;

6.Counterfeiting bib numbers; multiple persons running in turn with one bib number;

7.Refusing to follow directions of the race staff; interfering with the proceeding of the race; gathering around and making troubles;

8.Entering the course with pets;

9. Other behaviors violating the race regulations.

-Insurance and Medical Aid

1. The race committee will purchase personal accident insurances for all participants and staff. If insurances can’t be purchased or are invalidated due to incomplete or false information provided by the participants, it shall be the participants who take the responsibility.

2. Medical aid stations will be set up along the course as well as at the finish location. There will be volunteers and staff at every medical aid station and every refreshment station to assist with medical care and maintain race order. Whenever there are problems along the course, participants can call the emergency number printed on the bib number to ask for help.

Special Notes:

A.The committee will purchase personal accident insurances for all participants and staff. However, problems caused by diseases and physical conditions, such as

B.heatstroke and faint, are not in the coverage of personal accident insurances. So please register for the race with prudent considerations based on your own health condition.

C.The race committee will provide free field first aid during the race, but all hospital charges shall be borne by participants themselves.

D.It will be participants themselves to take the responsibility if there are personal injuries or deaths caused by dopes or other illicit drugs during the race.

E.For participants who are evidently not in suitable conditions to run, staff and judges authorized by the race committee have the right to stop them to keep on racing in consideration of their life safety.

-Refund / Race Bags

Once the registration is confirmed, it is not allowed to change race event,if you are not going to show up in the race,there will be no refund.

If anyone doesn’t show up in the race but wants his / her race bag (freight collect) mailed after the race, please send email to service@skyviewsport.com within 2 weeks after the race to ask the race committee to mail the race bag.

After 2 weeks the race committee will dispose all of the unclaimed race bags.

浙江省 杭州市