
2017 UTNH 赛事报告 | 做自己的英雄 Be Your Own Hero

酸奶就要红枣味儿 酸奶就要红枣味儿


本届赛事共计1273 人出发。100公里组504 人出发,其中男子选手412 人,女子选手92人。50公里组769人出发,其中男子选手572人,女子选手197人。以下是各组别的赛事数据。



男子冠军钱程熙( 05 : 24 : 09 )

男子亚军侯少华( 06: 02 : 27 )

男子季军王人强( 06 : 04 : 16 )

女子冠军Bartholomew Lucy( 05 : 25 : 05 )

女子亚军顾怡雯( 07 : 09 : 16 )

女子季军肖浩然( 07 : 12 : 24 )



男子冠军祁敏( 11 : 49 : 25 )

男子亚军邓国敏( 12 : 10 : 03 )

男子季军淡涌泉( 13 : 07 : 19 )

女子冠军董旻斐( 15 : 10 : 27 )

女子亚军陈雪( 16 : 32 : 37 )

女子季军谢雯菲( 16 : 47 : 37 )








感谢本届赛事的赞助商Salomon、MoveFree、SUUNTO、STANLEY、ZEALWOOD、杜邦为选手提供参赛礼、完赛礼、奖品及号码布;感谢赞助商怡宝为赛事提供所有赛事用水;感谢合作伙伴跑山狗为完赛选手提供精酿啤酒;感谢合作伙伴BD为选手提供头灯站服务;感谢媒体合作伙伴爱燃烧对赛事的大力支持;感谢赛事技术合作伙伴汇跑赛事提供了LiveTrail 计时系统服务。



即日起,所有参赛选手可登录SKYVIEW品牌官网 http://www.skyviewsport.com 查询赛事照片,或关注SkyviewSport官方微信公众账号,点击菜单“UTNH信息”-“照片查询”进行查看。


即日起,所有参赛选手可登录SKYVIEW品牌官网 http://www.skyviewsport.com 查询并下载电子完赛证书,或关注SkyviewSport官方微信公众账号,点击菜单“UTNH信息”-“成绩查询”进行查看。

有任何疑问,请发邮件到:service@skyviewsport.com  。


2017 UTNH Race Report | Be Your Own Hero

2017 UTNH started on October 14 at the West Gate of Ninghai County, and ended on October 15 in Qianxi Villa.

There were 1273 participants in all in this year’s race, among whom 504 in the 100KM group, including 412 male runners and 92 female runners, and 769 in the 50KM group, including 572 males and 197 females. Below is the race data of both groups.

-50KM Group

497 people, out of 769 people who started, finished the whole distance, making a 64.63% completion rate.

Male Winner Chengxi Qian (05:24:09)

Male Second-place Winner Shaohua Hou (06:02:27)

Male Third-place Winner Renqiang Wang (06:04:16)

Female Winner Bartholomew Lucy (05:25:05)

Female Second-place Winner Yiwen Gu (07:09:16)

Female Third-place Winner Haoran Xiao (07:12:24)

- 100KM Group

256 finishers out of 504 people who started, making a 50.79% completion rate

Male Winner Min Qi (11:49:25)

Male Second-place Winner Guomin Deng (12:10:03)

Male Third-place Winner Yongquan Dan (13:07:19)

Female Winner Minfei Dong (15:10:27)

Female Second-place Winner Xue Chen (16:32:37)

Female Third-place Winner Wenfei Xie (16:47:37)

- CP7 Group

379 finishers, a 75.2% completion rate

- CP8 Group

344 finishers, a 68.25% completion rate

It started to sprinkle shortly after the start of the race, and then the sprinkle turned into a moderate rain. Heavy rainfall was forecasted on October 15. The course was wet and slippery due to the continuous rain. As a result, some course sections were more difficult to run and the risks increased. In consideration of the security of the competitors, the race committee decided on advancing the cut-off time of the race to 00:30 a.m., October 15, after prudently evaluating the situation. In addition, after the race, the race committee will reapply for ITRA points in line with the checkpoint distances for all competitors who arrived at CP7 Baixi Reservoir and CP8 Shanyang before the checkpoint cut-off time. Competitors who didn’t pick up medals or finisher waistcoats on spot will get informed by email of the express matter regarding medals and waistcoats.

The persistent rain not only brought serious challenge to the race competitors, but also put much pressure on the volunteers, including volunteers at all CPs and SPs, at the start and finish location, and those from the race rescue team and race course team, who came from Ninghai Running Club, iRanshao, Bitch Running Club, Tongji University, Fei Lang Rescue Team, Wuxi Crazy Snail, Jiading Running Club, You Look So Delicious, Ninghai Night Run Club and all parts of the country. We want to express our gratitude to the photographer team and all volunteers who devoted so much to this year’s race.

Without the support and help of Ninghai County Government or Ninghai Sports Bureau, the race would not have taken place as per schedule. Thanks to all the towns along the course for their meticulous preparation for the race to ensure the security of our participants. Thanks to villagers along the way for providing hot tea, hot water and hot food to our participants and cheering them up. Thanks to Ninghai Sanitary Bureau for providing medical service to the race. Thanks to Ninghai Bus Company for providing shuttle bus service to the race. Thanks to Ninghai and the people of Ninghai! In order to return Ninghai’s support to the race, the race committee donated 20 thousand RMB to Ninghai People Education Foundation at the opening ceremony. Shanghai Skyview Sport will contribute more to the sports education of Ninghai in the future.

Thanks to this year’s race sponsors, Salomon, MoveFree, SUUNTO, STANLEY, ZEALWOOD and DuPont, for providing participant gifts, finisher gifts, prizes and bib numbers. Thanks to C’estbon for supplying the race with water. Thanks to our partner, Running Dog, for providing craft beer to the race. Thanks to our partner, BD, for providing service at the headlamp station. Thanks to our media partner iRanshao for the big support to the race. Thanks to our technical partner Huipao Events for taking charge of the LiveTrail timing service.

This is the fifth year for Skyview to organize trail races in Ninghai. Almost 1600 people registered for 2017 UTNH, 1273 people participated in the race in the end, and 725 arrived at the finish location, being their own hero. Undoubtedly, this is a hard race. It was not perfect, but we are after perfection. There were shames, however, that makes us expect more. The development of the race relies on every race runner’s support. Your participation and suggestions will aid in its improvement.

Race Photos

From now on the race photos are available for query at Skyview’s official brand website http://www.skyviewsport.com . You can also browse the race photos by following SkyviewSport’s official Wechat account and hitting ‘UTNH信息’(Information regarding UTNH ) – ‘照片查询’ (Photo Query).

Race Results

Please log in to Skyview’s official brand website http://www.skyviewsport.com to query and download the race certificate in three working days after the race or follow SkyviewSport’s official Wechat account and hit ‘UTNH信息’(Information regarding UTNH ) – ‘成绩查询’ (Result Query).

Thanks again for your participation. See you in 2018!

  1. 17d86042374159d5de81ba7fcb6bed11
    2017-10-20 14:02:40
    为了保障参赛选手安全,组委会经过慎重评估并决定调整比赛截止时间,提前到10月15日凌晨00:30。 意思是说关门时间到10月15日凌晨00:30吗?没有感受到相关的信息啊,麻烦请解释一下;


  2. 2e8f09ba9385ba0ff75d8788bf15e508
    2017-10-20 15:47:34
    为了保障参赛选手安全,组委会经过慎重评估并决定调整比赛截止时间,提前到10月15日凌晨00:30。 意思是说关门时间到10月15日凌晨00:30吗?没有感受到相关的信息啊,麻烦请解释一下;      ccccc
    有任何疑问,请发邮件到:service@skyviewsport.com 。


  3. 17d86042374159d5de81ba7fcb6bed11
    2017-10-24 10:36:18
    有任何疑问,请发邮件到:service@skyviewsport.com 。      酸奶就要红枣味儿


  4. 9c2313a275cd6b3359ea81d6de137d34
    2017-10-24 11:22:29
    没有感受到关门时间修改为10月15日凌晨00:30,我看到的是跑者在冒着极大的危险依然在跑着,麻烦就在这里回复,感谢理解;      ccccc


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