

酸奶就要红枣味儿 酸奶就要红枣味儿

离2017 Ultra-Trail® Ninghai开赛还有13天,您准备好站到赛事起点了吗?















f)10月13日宁海西门城楼同期举行小型展会,MoveFree、STANLEY、跑山狗啤酒、Zealwood 、PB SPORT、TECNICA_、爱燃烧、UTCT成员赛事参展;



a)摆渡车:10月14日早上5点开始从宁海城区指定地点有免费的摆渡车到起点西门城楼,具体信息请查询网站http://www.skyviewsport.com/#/transportation-and-hotel 选手也可以选择 出租车等其它方式抵达赛事起点;

b)存包检录:10月14日5:00-5:50 起点开放赛事包寄存,6:00发令起跑;


d)精英选手:根据赞助商推荐、参与穹景赛事历史成绩(宁海越野挑战赛、玉龙雪山超级越野赛),我们将100公里组别的37人(参赛号码001-037)、50公里组别的15人(参赛号码1001-1015)作为本次比赛的精英选手, 5:50之前这些选手请凭号码布站到最前列,名单如下:

100 km: Simon Vogel、Emmanuelle Roduit、王子尘、白福利、李璟、王恒毅、郑子勤、吴健、陈雪、沈剑锋、董旻斐、闫正庆、娄荣伟、管众、黃超、陈绍立、彭振辉、高四海、林小燕、王益、朱隽超、王隽、祁敏、孙成武、崔世友、温泉、曲怀、吴亚南、谢鹏、罗灿华、谢雯菲、淡涌泉、武源媛、邓国敏、方正杰、陈杰、许晶田、Lucy Bartholomew 、Majell Backhausen。

50km: Simon John Hopper、Scott Kirchner 、MAJD MOHAMMAD HAMDAN、Duncan Thomson、侯少华、东丽、钱程熙、石春健、顾怡雯、俞力莎、花兆洪、吕国栋、庄卉如、陈芸、白宇。


a)宁海越野挑战赛的赛道位于宁海西部山区,经过茶园、竹林、森林、溪流(搭建了木桥)、青苔石板、乡村机耕路, 展示浓郁的原始风貌。









c)完赛纪念品:所有100公里完赛选手可以在终点领取美国进口 Move Free氨糖维骨力红盒80粒;所有选手可以在终点领取由STANLEY提供的Sustain杯子,能免费得到由跑山狗提供的一杯鲜榨啤酒;

d)终点休息、洗浴、交通:终点提供简单淋浴、以及数量有限的免费休息床位,从10月14日12:30到10月15日10:30 安排了从终点乾溪山庄到城区西门城楼的免费公交车,人满发车;

e)赛事包寄存和领取: 10月14日5:00-5:50所有选手可以在比赛起点西门城楼存包,比赛终点领取赛事包,如果因为退赛等其它原因无法抵达终点领取赛事包,可以在10月15日12:00到起点西门城楼领取赛事包。

衷心感谢您参与2017 Ultra-Trail® Ninghai!宁海见!





Important Information regarding 2017 Ultra-Trail®Ninghai

Only 13 days to go for the start of 2017 Ultra-Trail®Ninghai, how is your preparation going, good enough for the race?


By Train:

a)There are direct trains to Ninghai Railway Station from Shanghai Hongqiao, Hangzhou East, Ningbo, Xiamen North, Wuxi and Nanjing South.

b)Ninghai Railway Station is pretty close to the downtown of Ninghai, only 15 – 20 minutes by taxi.

c)Free shuttle buses to West Gate, provided by the race committee, will be available at Ninghai Railway Station, from 12:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on October 13. Just show your registration information, no matter printed or e-version, to get on the bus.

By Air

a)The closest airport to Ninghai is Ningbo Lishe International Airport.

b)Besides taxi, you can also take the subway from Ningbo Airport to Ningbo South Station, and then take a bus or train to Ninghai.

2.Race Gear Pickup

a)If you appointed any of the designated Salomon stores as your gear pickup location, please pick up your gear there between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. on October 7 and 8.

b)Ninghai West Gate: If you didn’t appoint any Saloman stores as your gear pickup location, or appointed one but not able to pick up your gear within the requested period of time, please pick it up at Ninghai West Gate between 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. on October 13.

c)No matter at Salomon stores or at Ninghai West Gate, participants of 100KM group will have to take your mandatory gear and get them checked before picking up the race gear.

d)All participants will have to pick up your race gear in person by showing the original ID used for your registration. No other person can pick it up for you.

e)If you registered for the 50KM group in the second round, please pick up your mug at the STANLEY booth at Ninghai West Gate between 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. on October 13.

f)At the same time on October 13, there will be a small expo at Ninghai West Gate, with MoveFree, STANLEY, Running Dog Craft Beer, Zealwood, PB SPORT, TECNICA_, iRanshao and UTCT races as exhibitors.

g)Abbott Ensure Complete: all participants can get a can of Abbott Ensure Complete at the Abbott booth by showing your bib number.

3.On the race day, before the start

a)Shuttle buses: Free shuttle buses from designated pickup points to West Gate will be available since 5 a.m. on October 14. Please visit our website, http://www.skyviewsport.com/#/transportation-and-hotel for more information. You can also take a taxi or use other transportations to get to the start location of the race.

b)Bag Deposit: available between 5 a.m. and 5:50 a.m. on October 14 at the start location. The race will start at 6 a.m.

c)Real time query link during the race:

d)Elite runners: based on our sponsors’ recommendation and skyview races’ historical results (Ultra-trail Ninghai and Lijiang Skyview Adventure), we’ve elected 37 people in 100km group, with bib number between 001 and 037, and 15 people in the 50km group, bib number 1001-1015, as elite runners. If you are one of the elite runners, please go to the most front of the start area before 5:50 a.m. by showing your bib number. The elite runners’ namelist is as below.

100KM: Simon Vogel, Emmanuelle Roduit, Zichen Wang, Fuli Bai, Jing Li, Hengyi Wang, Ziqin Zheng, Jian Wu, Xue Chen, Jianfeng Shen, Minfei Dong, Zhengqing Yan, Rongwei Lou, Zhong Guan, Chao Huang, Shaoli Chen, Zhenhui Peng, Sihai Gao, Xiaoyan Lin, Yi Wang, Junchao Zhu, Jun Wang, Min Qi, Chengwu Sun, Shiyou Cui, Quan Wen, Huai Qu, Yanan Wu, Peng Xie, Canhua Luo, Wenfei Xie, Yongquan Dan, Yuanyuan Wu, Guomin Deng, Zhengjie Fang, Jie Chen, Jingtian Xu, Lucy Bartholomew, Majell Backhausen.

50km: Simon John Hopper, Scott Kirchner, MAJD MOHAMMAD HAMDAN, Duncan Thomson, Shaohua Hou, Li Dong, Chengxi Qian, Chunjian Shi, Yiwen Gu, Lisha Yu, Zhaohong Hua, Guodong Lv, Huiru Zhuang, Yun Chen, Yu Bai.

Please refer to the second notification for information regarding the course introduction, refreshment stations and arrangements at the finish location.

4.During the race

a)The race course of Ultra-Trail®Ninghai is quite primitive. It goes through the mountain area in the west of Ninghai, with tea gardens, bamboo forests, virgin forests, streams (with wooden bridge), mossy stone bricks and tractor-ploughing trails on the way.

b)50KM group: the major portion of the elevation gain is in the 15KM from CP2 Wai Wang Xin Village to Da Duan Zhu, the highest point of the race course, after CP3 Li Liao. The course is pretty smooth, with a great landscape. It has a moderate difficulty level, and alternates between ups and downs.

c)100KM group: The climb starts after the first 18KM of wooded trails and tea garden paths. The course leads to CP3 Li Liao after the bamboo forest. After passing some tractor-ploughing trails and roads, you’ll arrive at CP5 Zhang Liao, the checkpoint of mandatory gear. For most of the participants, you’ll see the night falling just after two more long climbs, after passing through the most primitive landscape of the course, made up by forests and streams with clean water as well as with muddy water. At CP6 you’ll get a change and a sufficient supply. Then after a 12KM gentle descent, you’ll get to Bai Xi Reservoir. Get some rest there before a nearly 15KM long climb until Da Duan Zhu. After CP9 Li Liao, you’ll find yourself running on a wide country boulevard until a gentle climb to CP10 Wu Jia Tang, after which is a gentle descent leading to the finish point Qian Xi Mountain Villa. However, the last 4KM leading to the finish point alternates between streams and big rocks, which will be a big challenge for many runners who have physically hit their low points.

5.Refreshment Stations

100KM group

50KM Group

6.Arrangements at the Finish Point

a)Medals: All participants who finish the race within the requested time can get a medal. On the front side of the medal is Ninghai’s intangible cultural heritage, Red Dowry Wedding Customs and Opera Teeth Play (Shua Ya). On the back side is the image of a tea garden and a bamboo tube. The lock is a symbol from Red Dowry Wedding Custom, and the red is one of the elements on the mask of Opera Teeth Play. The tea trees in the tea garden are planted in strips on the mountain, between which are the trails where the tea farmers work. Around the tea trees are some half-split bamboos, intending to convey the idea that the water used to irrigate the tea trees comes from bamboos. Red or green ribbons are tied to the lock carved on the medal, and this is how the medal is finally delivered to the runners. On the lock there is a lock hole. If you raise the lock plate, you’ll see the word FINISHER. The medal is designed by HuiPao HuiMei.

b)Finisher waistcoat: All participants who finish the race within the requested time can get a quality Salomon soft shell finisher waistcoat.

c)Finisher souvenirs: All finishers of 100KM group can pick up at the finish point one Move Free Advanced Plus MSM Tablets with Glucosamine & Chondroitin Red Box (80 tablets), imported from America. All participants can get a STANLEY Sustain cup and a free fresh beer provided by Running Dog at the finish point.

d)Rest, Shower and Transportation at the finish location: you can get a quick shower at the finish point. There are also some free beds for you to get some rest. Free buses from the finish location Qian Xi Mountain Villa, to West Gate will be available between 12:30 p.m., October 14 and 10:30 a.m., October 15. The buses will depart when all seats are taken.

e)Bag deposit and claim: all participants can deposit their bags at the start location, West Gate, between 5 a.m. and 5:50 a.m. on October 14 and claim their bags at the finish location. If anyone is unable to reach the finish location to claim the bag due to withdrawal from the race or any other reasons, please claim it at the start location, West Gate, at 12 p.m. on October 15.

Many thanks for your participation in 2017 Ultra-Trail ® Ninghai! See you in Ninghai!

Race website: www.skyviewsport.com

Race information: service@skyviewsport.com

浙江省 宁波市