
2016启东圆陀角UltraS 铁人三项赛竞赛规程 / 2016 Qidong UltraS Triathlon Rules & Regulations

CN_ing CN_ing

第一部分 比赛时间地点,比赛组成、距离与关门时间

1.1 比赛时间地点:9月24日~25日,江苏省启东市圆陀角旅游度假区恒大威尼斯酒店

1.1.1 9月24日(周六):铁三赛比赛签到、领取赛事包、赛前技术会及晚宴

1.1.2 9月25日(周日):铁人三项赛

1.2 铁人三项赛由奥林匹克距离、奥林匹克距离接力、半程奥林匹克距离、挑战组、四种赛事组别

1.2.1 铁三奥林匹克距离: 游泳1.5km,自行车40km,跑步10km

1.2.2 铁三奥林匹克距离团队接力:游泳1.5km,自行车40km,跑步10km

1.2.3 铁三半程奥林匹克距离: 游泳0.75km,自行车20km,跑步5km

1.2.4 铁三挑战组:游泳100m,自行车20km,跑步5km(强制使用跟屁虫)

1.2.5 首次参加铁人三项比赛的选手均需要强制使用跟屁虫

1.3 铁三赛年龄分组


a) 男子18-29岁组

b) 男子30-34岁组

c) 男子35-39岁组

d) 男子40-44岁组

e) 男子45-49岁组

f) 男子50-59岁组

g) 男子60岁及以上组

h) 女子18-34岁组

i) 女子35-49岁组

j) 女子50岁及以上组


a) 男子18-29岁组

b) 男子30-39岁组

c) 男子40-49岁组

d) 男子50-59岁组

e) 男子60岁及以上组

f) 女子18-34岁组

g) 女子35-49岁组

h) 女子50岁及以上组

1.3.3 挑战组、奥林匹克距离团队接力

a) 不分年龄组别

b) 不分男子组及女子组

c) 奥林匹克团队接力中每位女性队员可在总成绩时间上获1分钟减时奖励


1.4 铁三赛关门时间



a) 奥林匹克距离组、奥林匹克距离团队组关门时间为比赛开始后4小时

b) 半程奥林匹克距离组关门时间为比赛开始后2小时

c) 挑战组关门时间为比赛开始后2小时

1.5 若选手在比赛中离开比赛场地,则视作自愿放弃比赛

第二部分 比赛基本原则

2.1 比赛规则由组委会指定。在比赛中,具体的规则执行由指定裁判进行

2.2 选手报名比赛,即视作认可并同意遵守组委会指定的赛事规则

2.2.1 每一位选手需签署免责声明,未签署免责声明者视作未参赛

2.2.2 选手需保证提供的资料及信息全部真实

2.2.3 选手需保证身体健康状况适宜比赛,并自行对可能出现的生理损害负责

2.3 选手在比赛过程中不得对组织方、参赛者、工作人员及志愿者造成危害。包括 但不限于:

2.3.1 在赛场中,选手的一切行为应遵守中华人民共和国法律

2.3.2 选手不得妨碍比赛的正常进行

2.3.3 选手需遵照比赛工作人员的指示完成比赛流程,包括比赛前、比赛中和比赛后

2.3.4 选手需对其他参赛者、志愿者、赛场工作人员和医务人员礼貌尊重

2.3.5 选手需注意保护赛场环境和卫生

第三部分 赛事安全和保障

3.1 选手须在比赛报到时提供深水合格证或任意铁三赛事完赛证书,及医院体检报告后,方可完成报到手续并领取参赛包

3.1.1 如未能提供深水合格证或任意铁三赛事完赛证书者,须在比赛前一天参加统一的游泳测试。测试的时间地点安排将在比赛报到时另行通知

3.1.2 如未能提供医院体检报告,原则上只能参加挑战组的比赛,比赛组委会对此有最终决定权

3.2 选手需对自己的参赛器材负责。器材须符合组委会提出的的安全要求,且不会对他人造成危害

3.2.1 如果选手的比赛器材不符合安全要求,组委会有权剥夺其比赛权利

3.2.2 如果在比赛中,选手的比赛器材被发现不符合安全要求,组委会有权要求其对器材进行调整,或中止比赛

3.3 选手禁止携带对比赛安全和正常进行造成威胁的物品,包括但不限于:可能对电子计时产生干扰的磁性物品,玻璃器皿,有毒有害物质,外露的尖锐物品等

3.4 选手需对身体状况自行评估,如有不适应立即提示赛会工作人员

3.5 比赛中严禁选手与其他参赛者发生激烈的身体碰撞

3.6 组委会对赛事安全保有最高权力,在认定赛事和/或参赛者安全受到威胁的情况下,有权采取措施,包括中止比赛

3.7 赛会医务人员有判断选手身体状况的最高权力,在选手的身体或生命受到威胁 时有权中止其比赛

第四部分 比赛细则

4.1 选手在转换区需服从如下规则

4.1.1 转换区仅对选手和工作人员开放,观众、教练不得入内

4.1.2 转换区内选手需通过走或跑的方式移动,不得骑车或借助其他器材移动

4.1.3 比赛中所有的服装更换需在转换区完成。特别地,防寒泳衣只能在转换区脱下,在通往转换区的途中可以被打开和被脱离到臀部

4.1.4 在转换区中,选手的自行车只得推行。开始自行车赛程时,选手需在通过上车线后开始骑车;结束自行车赛程时,选手需在下车线前下车

4.1.5 运动员在转换区内不可阻止其他运动员的比赛,不可动用其他运动员的比赛装备

4.2 选手在游泳赛程中需服从如下规则

4.2.1 选手必须佩戴由主办方提供的泳帽

4.2.2 组委会有权依照比赛当日水温情况,确定选手是否可以使用防寒泳衣以及是否强制要求使用防寒泳衣。具体的裁定权力由组委会保留

4.2.3 选手可以使用任何泳姿进行比赛,也可以踩水或漂浮

4.2.4 运动员必须按照规定的比赛路线前进

4.2.5 运动员可以站立在水底或抓住静止物体休息,如浮漂或静止的船只

4.2.6 组委会将依照选手的以往赛事经验和游泳水平、泳姿等,将选手划分进不同的区域依次出发

4.2.7 禁止使用其他游泳辅助装备,如鳍、蹼、桨、划水板、浮潜设备等

4.2.8 游泳赛程中禁止穿戴袜子和手套

4.2.9 游泳赛程中禁止佩戴号码布

4.2.10 赛会以外的船只禁止驶入游泳赛道

4.2.11 游泳赛程中禁止非比赛人员伴游

4.2.12 组委会建议选手使用跟屁虫以保证安全

4.2.13 比赛中选手如发生不适,安全救生人员将直接停止其的游泳赛程

4.2.14 选手自愿中止比赛,需向裁判声明。遇到紧急情况时,选手应高举单臂求救。一经正式救助,运动员必须退出比赛

4.3 选手在自行车赛程中需服从如下规则

4.3.1 选手须使用符合安全认证的头盔。无头盔者不得参加比赛

4.3.2 自行车赛程(除铁三挑战组外)仅允许使用标准的铁人三项车、计时赛车和大组公路自行车。严禁山地车、折叠车、场地和死飞车、通勤车。铁三挑战组允许使用山地车。组委会有权在验车过程中禁止不符合规定的车辆参赛

4.3.3 自行车赛程中,选手需将号码布至于身后,确保参赛号码可视

4.3.4 自行车赛程中,选手需全程佩戴头盔。具体要求为,在上车线前选手需带好头盔,扣紧插扣;在下车线前选手不得摘下头盔

4.3.5 比赛过程中禁止跟骑。具体要求为:非超车的情况下,选手不得进入前方选手身后10米的范围内。选手并骑需保持2米以上间距。超车需在30秒内完成

4.3.6 处罚:如果选手违反4.3.5,将被裁判处以罚时。奥林匹克距离、奥林匹克距离团队:2分钟;半程奥林匹克距离:1分钟;挑战组:1分钟

4.3.7 自行车赛程中,选手不得互换比赛车辆,不得接受组委会指定方式之外的器材维护

4.3.8 赛会以外的车辆禁止驶入自行车赛道

4.3.9 自行车赛程中禁止非比赛人员伴骑

4.3.10 选手自愿中止比赛,需向裁判声明

4.4 选手在跑步赛程中需服从如下规则

4.4.1 跑步赛程中,选手需将号码布至于身前,确保参赛号码可视

4.4.2 赛会以外的车辆禁止驶入跑步赛道

4.4.3 跑步赛程中,选手只允许跑步和行走

4.4.4 选手自愿中止比赛,需向裁判声明

Part I. Race Date, Location, Categories & Cut Offs

1.1 Date & Location: September. 24~25, Hengda Venice Resort, Qidong, Jiangsu

1.1.1 Sep. 24th (Sat): Athletes Registration Check-in, Pick-up kit bag, Pre-race Meeting.

1.1.2 Sep. 25th (Sun): Race Day

1.2 Four tournament level

1.2.1 Olympic Distance: Swim 1.5km, Bike 40km, Run 10km

1.2.2 Olympic Distance Team Relay: Swim 1.5km, Bike 40km, Run 10km

1.2.3 Sprint Distance: Swim 0.75km, Bike 20km, Run 5km

1.2.4 Fun Group: Swim 100m, Bike 20km, Run 5km (The safety buoy is compulsory for fun group in the swim segment)

1.2.5 The safety buoy is compulsory for all the first-time competitors

1.3 Age Groups

1.3.1 For Olympic Distance (10 Age Groups in Total)

a. Male 18-29 YO

b. Male 30-34

c. Male 35-39

d. Male 40-44

e. Male 45-49

f. Male 50-59

g. Male 60+

h. Female 18-34 YO

i. Female 35-49

j. Female 50+

1.3.2 For Sprint Distance (8 Age Groups in Total)

a. Male 18-29 YO

b. Male 30-39

c. Male 40-49

d. Male 50-59

e. Male 60+

f. Female 18-34 YO

g. Female 35-49

h. Female 50+

1.3.3 For Fun Groups & Team Relay

a. Regardless of age group

b. Regardless of men group & woman group

c. Every female member who joins the relay team will earn 1 minute bonus off the team’s total finish time.

1.3.4 All age group athletes must compete in the age group division corresponding to the

athlete’s age on December 31st of the year of the event.

1.4 Cut Off Times

1.4.1 From your start time you must complete each section of the course within the cut off times.

1.4.2 The cut off times for each distance categories:

a) Olympic Distance & Team Relay: 4 hours

b) Sprint Distance: 2 hours

c) Fun Group: 2 hours

1.5 Leaving the race course in the middle of the race will be deemed as giving up and marked as DNF.

Part II. Basic Rules

2.1 Rules & Regulations are made by the race committee, and executed by the referees in the race.

2.2 Athletes agree to comply with the race rules & regulations by signing up for the race.

2.2.1 Athletes must sign the wavier prior to the race, otherwise will not be allowed to race.

2.2.2 It’s athlete’s sole responsibility to ensure that all the information he/she enters is true.

2.2.3 It’s athlete’s sole responsibility to ensure his/her physical status will meet the demand of the race.

2.3 Athletes must not harm the safety of fellow athletes, organizers, race staff & volunteers during the race, including but not limited to:

2.3.1 All athletes must comply with the laws.

2.3.2 The athletes must not hinder the normal progress of the race.

2.3.3 The athletes shall follow the directions of the race staff and the procedure of the entire race, including the pre-race, the race and the post-race.

2.3.4 The athletes shall respect the fellow athletes, the volunteers, the race staff and the medical staff.

2.3.5 The athletes shall liter only in the designated area.

Part III. Race Safety & Security

3.1 The Athletes must submit the deep water certification or the finish certification of any triathlon events, and the valid medical examination report in order to finish the process of the pre-race registration check-in, and get the race kit bags.

3.1.1 If the athlete has neither the deep water certification nor the finish certification of a triathlon event, he/she must attend the swim test on the day before the race day. The time and location for the swim test will be announce at the pre-race registration check-in.

3.1.2 If the athlete fails to submit the valid medical report, he/she can join the fun group only. The race committee reserves the rights to make the final decision.

3.2 It’s the athlete’s sole responsibility to ensure his/her equipments are safe and sound, and meet the safety demand made by the race committee, and will by no means harm the safety of others.

3.2.1 The race committee reserves the rights to not allow the athlete to race should

his/her equipments fail to meet the safety standard in the pre-race check-in.

3.2.2 The race committee reserves the rights to demand the athlete to pause and adjust

the equipments, and/or suspend the athletes in the middle of the race, when his/her

equipments are considered unsafe.

3.3 The athletes must not carry the items that will threaten the safety of the race, including but not limited to: the magnetic items which may interfere the timing chips, glass containers/bottles, harmful & poisoning substance, sharp items etc.

3.4 The athlete shall assess his/her own physical status and contact the race staff and the medical staff should any condition happen.

3.5 Fierce body checking is forbidden during the race

3.6 The race committee reserves the final rights to take measures, including calling off the race when the safety of the race and the athletes is considered compromised.

3.7 The medical staff have the top authority to make decision to suspend the athlete from the race when he/she is considered not safe to continue.

Part IV. Race Regulations

4.1 The Transition Rules

4.1.1 The transition area opens to the athletes & the race staff only. Spectators and

coaches must not enter.

4.1.2 The athletes shall walk or run in the transition area - biking or moving by any means

of equipments is prohibited.

4.1.3 Race suits/clothing changing must be completed in the transition area. Especially

the wetsuit should be taken off in the transition area - the athlete may open and pull down

the wetsuit to the waist while running into the transition.

4.1.4 To start the bike segment, the athlete takes the bike off the rack, and must push the

bike towards the exit of the transition area, and must get on the bike only after crossing the

mount line. When finish the bike segment, the athlete must get off the bike before the

dismount line.

4.1.5 The athlete must not hinder the normal progress of the race of other athletes in the

transition area, nor move or use other athletes’ equipments.

4.2 The Swim Rules

4.2.1 The athlete must wear the official swim cap provided by the race organizer during

the course of the swim.

4.2.2 The use of the wetsuit will be decided by the race committee according to the water

temperature of the race day and the rules. The race committee reserves the rights to make

final decision.

4.2.3 The athletes are free to use any swimming styles, as well as treading the water or


4.2.4 The athletes must follow the designated swim course.

4.2.5 Standing in the water or grabbing still objects (buoys, or still boats) to rest is allowed.

4.2.6 If the swim start is a rolling start, the race committee will divide the athletes by their

swim levels and styles into several groups and start by certain order.

4.2.7 No fins, aqua socks, gloves, paddles, snorkels or floatation devices of any kind are


4.2.8 Socks and gloves must not be worn in the swim segment.

4.2.9 The race bib must not be worn in the swim segment.

4.2.10 No boats other than the race committee’s are allowed to enter the swim course.

4.2.11 No individual paddlers or escorts allowed.

4.2.12 Safety buoys are recommended to use to ensure the safety.

4.2.13 The life guards will stop the athlete from continuing the swim segment should

he/she experience a condition.

4.2.14 The athlete must report to the referee if he/she wishes to withdraw from the race.

The athlete should wave his/her arm to ask for help when emergency happens. The

athlete must withdraw from the race once he/she gets rescued.

4.3 The Bike Rules

4.3.1 The helmet is compulsory and must have safety standard approval. The athlete is not

allowed to race without a helmet.

4.3.2 Only triathlon bikes, time trial bikes and road bikes are allowed to be used in the bike

segment for all categories except for the Fun Group. Folding bike, track bikes or fixed gear

bikes are prohibited. The race committee reserves the rights to suspend the athlete in the

middle of the race who uses the bike which does not comply with the rules.

4.3.3 The athletes must put the race bib on the back side of the body in order to be seen

in the bike segment.

4.3.4 Wearing the helmet is compulsory during the complete course of the bike segment.

To be specific: the athlete must have worn the helmet and tightened the buckle before

mounting the bike, and must not take off the helmet until dismount the bike.

4.3.5 Absolutely NO DRAFTING of another bicycle or any other vehicle is allowed.

Athletes must keep 10 meter distance between the leading edge of his/her own front wheel

and the trailing edge of the fore-rider’s back wheel, and 2 meters side by side between the

bicycles unless making a pass. Athletes have 30 seconds to complete a pass.

4.3.6 Penalties: Athletes not complying with 4.3.5 will receive a penalty. The penalties

for Olympic distance & team relay is 2 minutes; for sprint distance & fun group is 1 minute.

4.3.7 Athletes must not switch bikes in the middle of the bike segment, and must not receive course service by the non-official.

4.3.8 No vehicles other than the race committee’s are allowed to enter the bike course.

4.3.9 No individual coaches or escorts allowed.

4.3.10 The athlete must report to the referee if he/she wish to withdraw.

4.4 The Run Rules

4.4.1 The athlete must put the race bib on the front side of the body in order to be seen in the run segment.

4.4.2 No vehicles other than the race committee’s are allowed to enter the run course.

4.4.3 The athlete must complete the run course by running or walking.

4.4.4 The athlete must report to the referee if he/she wish to withdraw.

江苏省 南通市