1. 点击 查询链接
2. 登录千岛湖马拉松官方网站 http://qiandaohu.huluanpao.com
1. 领取时间:11月26日( 周六)10:00 - 20:00
2. 领取地点:淳安县秀水广场
3. 领取流程:
a. 选手登录千岛湖马拉松官方网站 http://qiandaohu.huluanpao.com
b. 选手本人携带签字的《 领物单 》和身份证原件到相应窗口领取号码布和赛事手册等相关物品
c. 代领参赛物品,需持代领人身份证原件、被代领人身份证复印件以及被代领人签字确认的《 领物单 》到相应窗口领取号码布和赛事手册等相关物品
d. 家庭迷你马拉松,由家长携带所有成员签字确认的《 领物单 》和本人身份证原件到相应窗口领取一个家庭的号码布以及赛事相关物品
4. 参赛包物品:
1. 参赛衣服尺码均按选手报名注册时选的尺码发放,敬请谅解
2. 赛事组委会有权对未按规定提交相关材料、不符合参赛资格、提供不实信息等其他违反竞赛规程的选手进行不予以发放参赛物品等处理办法。赛事组委会保留最终解释权
更多赛事信息,请登录千岛湖马拉松官方网站 http://qiandaohu.huluanpao.com
BIB numbers of the Thousand Island Lake Marathon 2016 are now available for inquiry. There are several ways to inquire as listed below. Please read carefully the notice of race packets pickup as well so that you can get the packet without any problems.
How to inquire your BIB number
1. Click here
2. Log on to the official website of the Thousand Island Lake Marathon http://qiandaohu.huluanpao.com
Please verify your registrationinformation. If any problem occurs to you, please send an email to service@skyviewsport.com at your earliest convenience.
Race packet pickup
1. Time: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday November 26th
2. Location: Xiushui Square, Chun’an County
3. Process:
a. Log on to the official website of the Thousand Island Lake Marathon http://qiandaohu.huluanpao.com
b. Carry the “Confirmation slip of Race Packet Pickup” with your signature and the original ID card to pick up your BIB number, the race brochure and other items at the correspondent window.
c. Race packet pickup by others will require the original ID card of the one on behalf of you, the copy of the ID card of yours and the “Confirmation slip of Race Packet Pickup” signed by you. With all the required documents the one on behalf of you can pick up your BIB number, the race brochure and other items at the correspondent window.
d. For Family Mini Marathon, one of the parents should carry the “Confirmation slip of Race Packet Pickup” signed by all family members to take part in the race and his or her original ID card to pick up the family BIB number, the race brochure and other items at the correspondent window.
4. Items in the race packet
1. Please understand that race T-shirts will be given out based on the size information entered at registration by all participants.
2. The race committee reserves the right to refuse to give out race packets to those whohaven’t submitted the required information, who don’t achieve the race qualifications, who have provided false information and who violate other competition rules. The race committee reserves the final interpretation of allactivities and procedures of the race.
For more information of the race,please log on to the official website of the Thousand Island Lake Marathon http://qiandaohu.huluanpao.com